Part 2: Flooring and Windows


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The Experience

This segment covers flooring and windows.  Pretty easy in the scheme of things, but quite disruptive.

The Photos

The photos below are what we saw.

We decided to replace all the baseboards so the first order of business was to paint the new baseboard.  Above, Kathleen does touch-up on a short length of board before it is installed.

Kathleen and I did the flooring ourselves, it took about 2 days.  It was easy as it just snaps together, but it did require lots of "hands and knees" work.  Our neighbor is a contractor and he lent us his miter saw and nail gun.  We completed the baseboards in one day although the putty and touch-up did spread into the following day.  As a side note, along the way, we installed a new screen door.  The prior door was original equipment 1978 and was sorely in need of replacement.  We replaced it with a nice security door that has a sunburst pattern, visible at the left of the photo above.

To access the vaulted ceilings we had to rent a 14' step ladder.  We delayed the start of our project because we had ordered a remote-control blind for our skylight.  But the weeks drug on and we finally said proceed without having the component.  So, sure enough a week later our skylight arrived.

The skylight is at the apex of the ceiling and sits inside a cavity.  We discovered when we were scraping and texturing that the previous owner did not bother to paint the part of the cavity that could not be seen from the floor.

We went back and got the ladder again.  This is a tall ladder, but it  was invaluable in scraping, painting, texturing and blind installation.

The skylight is a long way up there.  Installation involved both Kathleen and I on the ladder at the same time and the sun coming through that window was intense.  We were happy when we could come back down to where it was cooler.

The skylight is solar powered and we mounted the solar panel where it was invisible from the floor.  It works well and provides a near-total blackout of the sun when closed.

The cabling of the audio system was rather complex.  So, instead of un-wiring, we put the components on scooters and just moved them around as our work progressed.  Finally, with the work essentially complete, it was time to re-install the display panel and connect it to the audio.

After a sweep-and-mop of the floor, we moved the furniture from the kitchen back to its place in the living room so we could have our kitchen back.

The rugs and stepper were brought back in and positioned.

At the end of the floor installation, we were treated to a "harvest moon" that was visible low in the eastern sky just after sundown.  The moon was not quite full at this point.

The full moon arrived 2 days later.  This was shot from my driveway with my Sony A7R4 with 100-400mm lens at 400mm.  Handheld.

At the front of November, our windows arrived.  We had Newman Windows do the job and they were punctual and tidy.  The installation was completed in only one day.

These windows were original construction 1978.  They were on their last legs.  This is the kitchen window.

Boom.  Removed and re-installed in a matter of minutes.

The dining room window was in bad repair.

The windows were removed, the aluminum frames were recycled and the glass panes were re-purposed.

The windows operate easily, unlike the original ones.

The front windows were in poor repair as the previous owners had a cat that "worked" at getting out through the screens.

Removal was straightforward, but the window frames were not square and required and adjustment cut on the new windows prior to installation.

The Newman guys did a great job.  It was a crew of 3 and it did take all day, but only one.  In at 0830 and done by 1700.

I would love to say that we are done, but we are not.  We still have flooring to change in 3 bedrooms and my office, but now that we have tuned our methods, it should be more straightforward.  That said, we do need to remove the furniture and carpeting before we can install flooring.  This is another episode of this saga.

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