Part 4: London Transportation Museum


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After lunch, we were looking at our maps to determine what to do next.  The London Transportation Museum was reasonably close and on our way back to the hotel, so that's what we elected to do.

The photos below are what we saw.

After our exit from the British Museum we got a feel for the extent of the massive building.  The fence prevented a clear view, but the line of marble columns give a clear indication of the scope of the building.

To the south were expanses of row houses.

I wonder what this is about.  Every dialect of religion believes that they are "right" and the others "wrong".

Art comes in many forms.  In some circles, this might be seen as rubble or detritus others may see it as a wall hanging.

There were plenty of old phone booths, none operational.  These were likely left in place to benefit the dogs or tourists which, in the minds of the locals, are one in the same.

Kathleen insisted that we take a photo at Bill's.

The Transportation Museum had all manner of public conveyances ranging from old horse-drawn affairs to escalators.

The horse powered conveyances came with their own form of environmental impact which was many tons of dung produced fresh every day.

This steam loco operated in tunnels and had been modified to condense the outgoing steam to help make the tunnel more tolerable.  But, the smoke was still a problem.

This engine was fully restored and clean.

The older locomotives required manual oiling and plenty of it to allow operation.

Operating the engine in a tunnel downwind of the smoke plume in a confined space must have been positively hellish.

The density of people and the cost of machinery promoted the development of the double decker buss.

Outlying areas were served by smaller machines.  The museum was quite impressive and most of the exhibits were about the construction of the London subway system know locally as "the tube".  Sadly, most of those exhibits were not easily photographed.  But, if you are ever in London you have to take the tube and then go to the museum to get a historical perspective of its construction.

We had dinner at this pub the previous night and in the afternoon it was crowded.  I noted that the "Lion King" was playing at the local theater.  Washington, DC has it's own production but there it is called "The Lying King".

We stopped at Somerset House to get a better view of the statues and courtyard.

Impressive work.

The Somerset House courtyard had fountains that the children loved.

On our return to the hotel we could see the spire at St. Clement.

St. Dunstan-in-the-West cathedral.

A monument in the center of Fleet Street.

The base of the monument had this detailed statue embedded in the tower.

Underneath the statue was this diorama that says "Queen Victoria's Progress to the Guildhall London 1837".

A portion of the cast iron door at our hotel.

The lower portion of the cast iron gate to our hotel, AKA Serjeant's Inn.

We covered plenty of miles during the day.  The Transportation Museum was "free" as part of our London Pass.  It was very nice and did a great job of helping folks understand the amount of effort that went into development of the transportation infrastructure in the city.  Without it, things would be very, very different today.

Tomorrow, we head to Big Ben.

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